Slice of Life: Upchucking

Slice of Life


I am writing this post for Slice of Life challenge hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .   On Tuesdays, we write about small moments in life that brings us greater joys, at times  sorrow and a meaning.  You are invited to join too.




Couple weeks ago, Awesome felt sick at school.  He hold out all day and kept going without a complain.  To his distress, he upchucked  during  the dismissal.   He had a curious observation: “Mammy, when I was throwing up, the 7th graders around me, even the once who did not know me,  helped me.  They ran around, grabbed me napkins & water and told me that It is OK;  I will be fine.  On the other hand, the 8th graders were mean; they were laughing and pointing fingers.  Why 7th graders were kind but 8th graders were so mean?”


Why indeed.


His questions made me think of us as society.  Are we losing empathy as we grow old or are we helping our fellow human beings?  It reminded me of a bumper sticker on my friend’s truck

HumanKind: Be Both


Shall we?





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4 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Upchucking

  1. Yay for the 7th graders! I’m guessing they have teachers, maybe this year that are talking about kindness. xo

  2. Yup! Ye for 7th graders. 🙂

    The school district has initiative – Lunch and Learn. They took away 15 minutes of kid’s lunch (ugh!) and use that time for learning.

    The student body discussed anti-bullying and being kind to each other last quarter. I guess message of being empathetic stuck with younger kids better.

  3. Loved reading this slice of life from middle school teaching! Middle schoolers can be SUCH a challenge. Before I taught 7th grade, I told people that I taught English. After a year, I was careful to explain that I taught 7th graders and hoped they learned a little reading and writing. It’s true that you have to teach them (and frequently remind them) the importance of kindness.

    • Connie,

      Middle schoolers are a class apart. They are no longer young elementary level kids but are too young to be independent high schoolers making them exhibit signs of older kids one day, young one next. Kudos for teaching reading and writing to them. In my humble opinion, being a reading & writing instructor, you taught them skills to soar. Thank you.

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