Reflection on #CCCWRITE

@One LogoJust yesterday, I had started on a 6 week journey of Reflective Writing Club.   The final prompt is reflection on our passage.

My goal for participating in the reflective writing club were: 

  1. To grow as a person and an educator
  2.  Connect with colleagues and learn from them
  3. Challenge myself and share my ideas with peers

What have I learned from it? Have I achieved my goals?

Six week may seem like a long time, but for me it passed before I can blink.  Yes, I did achieve each of this goals a little.  I visited many of my colleagues blogs and gain insights from their knowledge and am learning to integrate technology with sound education.  I am able to connect with wonderful Sheri Edwards and always graceful Laura Gibbs to name a few.  I realized that I have a lot of ideas and yet struggle with deadlines.  

Over the six weeks, I found out that I am spending way too long time forming and publishing my posts.  At times, I looked at the prompt and over thought my responses.  to meet the deadlines, I need to have better plan and time management.  I am a new blogger. Experience, being comfortable in my skin, learning about new techniques  and applying them to my posts will help me.  Baby Steps is the name of the game here.  I also need to know when to tweak the plan and get similar reason.  e.g., while writing Does My Mother Knows My Despair? I was trying to add a picture with text. I spend almost  two hours on learning about it.  I have still not got hold of it.  Rather than spending any more time on it, I decided to modify my plan and added the poem as document in the post.  In nutshell, I need to 

Allocate time to write a post, stop overthinking, stick to the plan, write the post, publish the  post before the deadline

Sometimes, reading the post from my peers was like looking in the mirror of my thoughts; they had written exactly what I was writing.  Then I wrassle with Do I scrap my post?  Do I continue?  At other times, my colleagues had a different way to look at the same prompt.  Who knew a prompt for unplugging can be responded to as un-driving but Laura Gibbs did just that and in the process taught us a thing or two.  I learned that

There are multiple ways to answer a prompt. Be bold. Be reflective. Be free to look at new angles. Share with abundance

Overall, I enjoyed the experience.  I am looking forward to other professional development from @One. 

Are you participating in Reflective Writing Club?  Another challenge?  What are your thoughts on it? 



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12 thoughts on “Reflection on #CCCWRITE

  1. Oh, this is so great, Purviben: this is great advice to share with my students, who are finding their way as bloggers in my class too, and I know that they struggle with some of these things too, like overthinking their posts. Every day in the announcements I share a little “success tip” so I am going to go add items to my success tip list now so that the students in my class can get the benefit of your reflections here. And here’s a fun graphic:

    • Laura,

      Thank you^mil for being you.

      I just visited your blog and shared one of your posts 69 Rules of Punctuation on twitter. I had forgotten about my other twitter account and was pleasantly surprised when you linked to it.

      Peace in Learning.


  2. Congratulations! These are wonderful outcomes. For me, I always value seeing my thoughts reflected in those of others. It helps me understand how connected we are, when I often feel the opposite. I’m grateful that you took the leap and participated! I am also very grateful to Laura and Sheri, who have been such great community leaders.

    Looking forward to having you in more @ONE offerings.

    • Michelle,

      Thanks for this beautiful opportunity.

      I still need to press post on two of my posts. I should have done by the end of the day today.

      Joining the reflective writing club has provided me with an opportunity to connect with so many peers. I call it small group Conferencing and PLN.

      I am looking forward to joining more one offerings.


  3. I’ve never been part of a writing club where I met physically with others. I think I would like it if I could find anyone around who would do it. I’ve been writing with other bloggers for a long time now and love the community that forms.

    I think overthinking is the killer of most inspiration for bloggers. Sometimes we just need to get things written down. I would tell my students that, but sometimes would forget my own advice.

    • Deb,

      It is a good idea to have a shoutout for bloggers to write at a physical location.

      What do you think of Write-meet where we arrange to write at the same time but at our own place?

      BTW, How is Chloe with Mom & Dad’s return? Is she running rounds around you?

      Best wishes.


  4. This is a great reflective post. I like how you’ve pulled out a variety of things that you’ve learned and highlighted them in yellow text boxes. It’s a good way to break up the text visual and pop out the main ideas. I agree with so much of what you said here, and I’m intrigued by the idea of a Reflective Writing Club (Note to self: find time to visit that link later). Happy writing!

  5. Laura,

    Thank you^mil for being you.

    I just visited your blog and shared one of your posts
    a =href69 Rules of Punctuation on tweeter.

    I had forgotten about my other tweeter account and was pleasantly surprized when you linked to it.

    Peace in Learning.


    • That infographic is one of my all-time favorites! I try to collect lots of beautiful and/or funny punctuation things for my students so that it becomes something to really think about… not just something that’s confusing or annoying. 🙂

      • Laura,

        Mine too. Do you think we need to come up with one in different race / muscle cars for boys too 🙂 May be then boys will read and learn the rules. May be we can put them under the hood. over the rim of tire…

        On a different thought, let them admire the beautiful flowers as well, ya?


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