My 5 Things for 2018

When I quoted my dad yesterday, it started a healthy dialogue and reflection. 

To reflect on my aim in life, Here is Top 5 from my journal, verbatim.

I want to spend quality time with my family 

Listen to my kids and make sure they feel validated. Many days, my kids are  rushed from the moment they wake up to the time they hit the bed.  I want to talk, really talk to them about things they are interested in – not just their grades & why they should be on top of their game. 

I also want to spend time with superman – besides when we are eating, sleeping and driving the kids around.  We need to sit and read next to eachother, go for longer strolls and don’t forget to gaze in each other’s eyes.  Raising good kids, providing for them and taking care of retirement is good.  But it should not be the only conversations we have.

Be a friend to family

I want be a good daughter to my parents, nice sister & wonderful,no make it supportive aunt.  I want to be peace among the storm.

Be Nonjudgemental

Practice nonjudgement.  Baby steps. One conversation at a time.  I want to practice nonjudgement in my interactions with family, friends and strangers alike.

Get my Teaching Licence 

Do I really want to teach?  Or is it just a thought?  Time is awasting.  This year, I want to get my GA Online Teaching Certificate as well as WI licence.

I want to learn to swim.

On December 31, 2018 (OK Y is close then, lets make it Dec. 26, ’18) I want to be able to swim 25 laps unassisted.


What are top 5 items on your list for this year?  Long term?

Life without an aim is like a ship without sails. Both will be pushed around whicheve way the wind blows; neither will reach their destination in time. -Kishorbhai Trivedi


I am writing this post for March Slice of Life Challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  Come and join us.  #SOL18