Navigate 1 – Delineating Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning

For this post I have  created a flyer using Smore  to describe Synchronous & asynchronous learning in a virtual classroom as discussed in the Navigate module of GA Open Teacher Training Course.

In a virtual classroom, the educators and students are not required to be in the same classroom, or even the same continent.  In the same virtual classroom, I may have a student from same town and another from a continent away.  By its design, an educator & the institution they are employed may choose to deliver content by various means such as blended learning, hybrid learning, synchronous learning and/ or asynchronous learning. It is common to have some overlap of these styles as well.  The common elements in each of these methods are: 

  1. The instructor facilitates learning by having content available to the students as per course guidelines.  Students are required to be familiar with the syllabus and expectations and take proactive approach by making sure that they have access to internet, learning device and know how to get help when needed.
  2. There is a set time frame where overall learning needs to take place. e.g., a unit may be completed over 9 weeks in a K-12 virtual school or A student at City University must how content mastery by end of the semester. 

 A = not,        Syn = same,       Chrono = time

Synchronous Learning: Students and educator(s) meet at online at set time to learn and collaborate online in real-time.  The educator aims to present formal instruction and offer continued student interaction.  A video conference between Dr. J and his students of Critical Reasoning Class to discuss effects of passing of Net Neutrality bill is in example of synchronous learning.

Asynchronous Learning: Educator facilitates content delivery such that students learn access the material, lessons & activities  at their own pace & do not require to working in real time.  A discussion board question among Dr. J and his students of Critical Reasoning Classon effects of passing of Net Neutrality bill where students are required to response and give feedback to three of their peers is in example of asynchronous learning. 





The Asynchronous & Synchronous learning pictures are made using Quotes Cover

Will Rogers picture is created using adletters


Further Reading: 

San Francisco-based writer, Paul Signorelli‘s Building Creative Bridges blog post, Synchronous Sessions, Asynchronously: Blending Meetings, Learning, and Digital Literacy

Michigan State University College of Education’s Learning 3.0: Face-to-face, Online, Hybrid

The Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation’s interactive Blending Learning Model Definitions

eLearners article: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Classes