Quizzes Bizzies


I am BBBBEEEEhind (add some scary faces, or not 🙂 )


Mon – Tuesday: Study, Watch videos, review, take notes,  let ides percolate

Wednesday: Take Quiz

Thursday – Friday: Write & Submit ” What I Bring in Therapy Room”

Saturday – Volunteer for Solo & Ensemble, Attend Twice told Tales

Sunday: Complete & submit “Use of Crisis Text Lines in Mental Health Care”


Mon, Tuesday, Wednesday – Study, watch, video

Thursday – Completing Quiz,

My Superman is under the weather so plans need to change for Friday & I am driving to and from to pick up Amaze for Spring back so I can be at Solo and Ensemble at 8:30 AM

This means, I need to find the fortitude and borrow Superman’s time turner.


Did you say you have one too?  Feel free to lend it to me.  On a second thought, I bet you need to keep it for you. 🙂

Let’s dig in and check off the tasks.


I am  participating in the March Slice of Life challenge via the Two Writing Teachers site. The whole month of march, we blog and share little slices of  lives- some we experience, some we find while walking around.  Would you like to join us too?