
Candor De La Alborda (Candor of Dawn) Oil on Canvas painting by artist Rafael Soriano
Candor De La Alborda by Rafael Soriano


Mom holding her peeps

Kids connected by a kiss

or is it a breath of bliss?

Skull crushing the kids

or mom holding her peeps?



Heart, leg

red nails, yellow heads

holding, touching hands, 

touching, kicking leg(s)


Chopped, curved, tangled

Are you mouning what you have lost?

or celebrating what you must?

Rafael? Mr. Soriano?


I wrote Rafael? for 5-day writing challenge from EthicalELA.   The aim here is to enter the art and explore with all senses; let the art guide the poem creation. Neat ya? Rafael Soriano’s painting Candor-De-La-Alborada spoke to me, intrigued me with its layers of being loving and macabre at the same time.  Reading about him, I learned that when this university professor and renowned Cuban artist exiled in Miami, USA, he changed how he presented his art.

What does Rafael Soriano, the artist whose oil on canvas painting inspire my poem says about his art?

“I do not pretend to transmit a message of reality: I am moved by the longing to travel through my paintings in a dimension of spirit where the intimate and the cosmic converge.” – Rafael Soriano

Want to know more about Rafael Soriano?

Soriano at Smithsonian

Soriano rediscovered: The Artist as Mystic

Rafael Soriano

Rafael Soriano (painter) Wiki

Want to write and share with us? Come and join us for writing challenge this month or next at Ethical ELA 5-day writing challenge.  Share your thoughts, share your passion.  Let our voices be heard.







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