Saturday Nap

Saturday Nap


Saturday naps  

In this era of no siesta & go-go-go

How I look forward to you 🙂 

Laundry be gone, 

Dishes are done, 

Meals are devoured 


Grades are checked.

Family time, rejuvenating

It’s time to take a nap

Before the week begin again.

Lesson Planning, gardening / snow shoveling, 

I will take care of you tomorrow.

Stop the clock

Before, going back to grind.

Take a nap. Saturday Nap 🙂 



I am writing this post as a series of post for 12th Annual March Slice of Life challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  You can find similar posts by searching for category Slice of Life or Hashtag #SOL19.  You are invited to join too.

Slice of Life

