12 thoughts on “Hope Dashed

  1. We’re counting on a snow day here tomorrow with 12+ inches forecast, but I have to say 6-8 would probably have done it as well. You Snowbelters are tough! My sympathies to Awesome.

    • Poor kid is so looking forward to snow days.

      Our school system puts premium on education (!!!) and is usually open when all surrounding town have their schools closed.

      They did get two days this year though.

      Hope you all are ready for the snow. hunker down & have coffee. 🙂

  2. This is a universal conversation, I think. Not just among kids, but adults too. We missed on Monday and had a two-hour late start on Tuesday. The conversation at the start of every class I subbed in was, “Do you think we should have had school today?”

  3. I wonder how their conversations on this same topic will change over the years. Wonder and Amaze – nice choices!

    • Sherri, so far they are one another’s cheer leaders. Hope it will stay the same in future.

      Amaze & Awesome is what I call them; besides it protects a bit of their privacy.

      You have a ski jumper, I have a snow border. Cool, ya?


  4. I live in the Chicago area and whenever we get snow my kids always wish for a snow day. They always hope school will be closed. So far we only had one snow day. Stay warm!

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