Slice of Life: Bed Time

Clock, Pocket Watch, Movement



Penciled in: 10 PM

Going to bed: 1 AM

Who needs to adhere to time? 

My kids?

No, It is Me.  


It is 1:05 AM 

I just posted my last assignment for the Reflective Writing Club, a 6 week collaborative experience provided by  Online Network of Educators.  I am happy for my final submission for the project, tired and know that I need to hit the bed.  I had intended to be in bed by 10 PM but it is not happening.  It is late.  I need to be in bed.  There is a long list of things I need to finish tomorrow including dreaded bathroom cleaning.  

Why can’t I pay someone for house cleaning?  Do I want to pay someone for house cleaning?

Tomorrow is a brand new day.  Or is it today?

Well, Good Night, Good Morning friends.  I am off to bed. Finally.  

Wait, I need to publish this post, link it and tweet it.  Dang! 

Soon.  Soon.  There will be morning and smell of freshly brewing coffee.  But before that, let me hit the bed.


Thank you Two Writing Teachers for providing the nurturing community where we can share and connect.  Would you like to join us or would you rather read more stories like this by either visiting the Two Writing Teacher’s blog or using hashtag #SOL18?


#CCCWrite Conference

I am pa@One Logoparticipating in Reflective Writing Club, a six week collaborative experience offered by Online Network of Educators.  This Post is written as a reply to prompt for Week #2, conference.

Going to in-person conference has multiple benefits.  It allows an educator to network, learn new skills, interact with some awesome colleagues and present their ideas to a wider audience.  Attending a conference may introduce the attendee to rock stars of the field and open up doors they even did not know existed.  Did I mention the goodies we can bring home at end of the conference?

On the other hand, the cost of attending conferences and the time away from family may make attending one prohibitive.  e.g., as an independent educator, attending 2018  NCTM  Annual conference and Exposition  in Washington DC will cost me

Cost of attending 2018 NCTM conference & Exposition

$2485.  Not a small chunk, Ya?  

Does that mean, I stay away from attending conferences? 

No, I do attend local conferences when:

  1. Attending a conference is NOT cost prohibitive.
  2. It does not keep me away from my family for a long time.
  3. It gives me bang for my buck.


University of ScoutingRecently I attended University of Scouting, a one day conference run by Samoset Council of Boy Scouts of America.  This volunteer led conference is aimed at teaching the Adult Scout Leaders and Scouts leadership and personal skills; from Cub Scouts to Commissioners, there is something for everyone.  The Registration fee was reasonable: $11 for Adult leaders and $6 for a Scout.  The commute to conference was not even a concern; a 45 minutes drive each way gave Awesome & me much needed time to talk as well as listen to Heart & Soul by Maeve Binchy.  Win-Win all around, ya?  At this conference, I was a presenter for 3 sessions and a student for 2 sessions.  The learning did not stop at the end of the conference.  I will share the knowledge by offering additional sessions to my troop, mentoring and  sharing during committee meetings.

Conference & Digital  Citizenship:

In past, going to conference was synonym with in-person conference.  Now, digital citizenship allows several alternatives.  Sometimes, the conferences are live streamed or recorded and available at a later date.  Let me share some of the alternatives I came across and may have participated in this year:

Alternatives: 1. Online Conferences 2. Webinars 3. Twitter Chats 4. Blogging Challenges 5. Visit other blogs



Online Conferences saves travel time and cost while giving many benefits of in-person conferences.  e.g., Global marathon, Smithsonian- Symbols of Diplomacy.  

Webinars can be equivalent to a session or a full day conference.  Supporting Students Digitally

Twitter chats can act as mini-conferences and is a great tool for professional development.  I find #Edchat,  #mschat, and #MtBos  good resources for networking.

A finch looking for nutrition on thistle plantBlogging Challenges are opportunities to present my voice to wider audience and connect with other educators.  We can also use comments as mini-conferences. I have reached more educator-writers in 20 days of  Slice of Life Challenge than in previous 2 months.  

Visiting Other educator’s blogs are like attending key note speeches and presentations to gain exposure to ideas.  Kevin and Sam Shah not only teach me something new each time I visit their blog, they make me widen my horizon by introducing me to new concepts and other bloggers. Networking anyone?

What are your views on conference and its impact on you?



NCTM = National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Prompt for the Reflective Writing Club Week 2


What was the last conference you had attended in person?

Attending the

Conferences play a big role in expanding and nurturing an educator’s Personal Learning Network.

  • Discuss the role that attending conferences plays in your professional learning
  • Reflect on one valuable conference experience you had and discuss why you found it valuable.
  • Let us know what happens once your conference experience is over. Do you share what you’ve learned and, if so, how and with whom?


Monster Who?


Monster Who?

What is a monster?






A thought worming in a mind?

Who is a Monster?

One who robs  kids of creativity, kindness and empathy? 

 and the Adults of responsibility & caring?

 Or is a Monster something beautiful but alien to us? 

Something we fail to understand & decide to annihilate?

What is a monster?

Is it lurking under the shadows or hiding beneath our fears?

Is it hiding from us and thinks we are the monster for him?

Monster, a word, a boogie, 

Walk a step or two and say Hello

Does the monster thinks you are a monster?

Will it hide when you proceed?

Who knows what is a monster?  

To a gazelle ran over by a lion? 

To an oyster shattered by a sea gull? 

To a cow getting slaughter for your feed?


               – Purviben K. Trivedi-Ziemba

I was participating in #Jandoodle where I flexed my artistic muscles and doodled the monster.  Today, I decided to reuse the image and add to it for Slice of Life March Challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers.   You are invited to join the encouraging community of teacher writers.   For reading more stories like this, use hashtag #SOL18.  If you enjoy doodling, join the #CLMOOC community and show your creativity.

Slice of Life


Paint n Sip


Paint n sip @ Library My Daughter n Me


Today, my daughter and I participated in an Adult Craft night paint-n-sip event at our local library.    This popular,  paint n sip event is offered on alternate months;  it has a waiting list.  The talented instructor provides step-by-step information to create an acrylic based painting while we sip soft drinks and create our masterpiece.  Thanks to Ms. B., the project coordinator at the library, all I had to bring was my daughter 🙂  and I was all set.   

It is fun to compare paintings from everyone at the end of the class.  No two paintings are alike.  Each person brings their individuality and artistry to the painting.    Let me show you the paintings from the artist -instructor & then look at mine above.  Fun ya?


Image may contain: text and nature


Now your turn to share.  

Have you participated in paint-n-sip party?  Would you like to share your creation?

What kind of  activities your local library offers to to its patrons?


Slice of Life

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for hosting the Slice of Life Challenge.  We slice each Tuesday and whole month of March.  Come and share your slice too.  Hashtag #Sol18







Will you Choose Apple or Seeds?

University of Scouting is a full day event / conference where Scouts and adult leaders  develop leadership as well as personal skills.  During closing ceremony, Dean G. asked a question: 


Given a choice, What will you choose?  An Apple or Seeds?



What will you?

Did you choose?  What did you choose?

Did You choose Apple?  Good choice.

             You are looking at present and your needs now.

Did you choose Seeds? Excellent Choice.   

             Are you following steps of John Chapman? 

             Where are you spreading the seeds?

What?  You want both?  Really?

                You smart, smart one 🙂 


Slice of Life


This post is written for 11th Annual  Slice of Life Story challenge hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .   During whole month of March and on Tuesdays we will share a slice of our lives.  Please join too.  




Slice of Life hosted by am participating in Slice of  Life Challenge hosted by Two writing Teachers.  Every Tuesday and during whole month of March, we write & share, we visit other participant’s  blogs, we use comments as mini-conferences to connect.  Today’s slice is germinated from  walking home in recess  by Joanne Toft.  Won’t you come & join us too?


Walking Home in Recess


SOL#18 Lunchbox series-

Walking Home & Trouble

Joanne, you talked about it

As a punishment with sweet end

You are making me think: 


Do kids walk home from School during recess anymore?

Or is it too much trouble? 

Releasing the charges, half an hour or more?  

It is not heard anymore.


I remember, 

I remember, the days when kids were free

To re-access in Recess


Free, Free, Free

To tumble, to jumble and just be

Recess was a joy to be.

Read in a corner? Go ahead & be

Playing to your heart’s desire, Why not?

Talking, joking, Recess is the time to be

Racing home in recess? You are free.


Free, Free do do what you want

Playing time, Rapping time, Napping time,

Jump ropes, Satodiyu & Whatever you do, 

Just come back to class with bell ringing


I remember, 

The recess, the joy!

Sharing our lunchboxes,

in school garden, on terrace,

where ever one wish to sit.

No cafeteria food to consider

Mom’s lunch was the wonder.



Recess Re-access

While I sat & read in corner, 

My cousin did her numbers (in mathematics)

Sis was the one to play 

friend or two ran home to feed the pet.


Glorious recess. 

Where are you?

Without any minders, 

Let kids be kids.

So they can remember 

Recess as a time of wonder.

– Purviben K. Trivedi-Ziemba





Impact of Digital Technology

 Digital Technology connects us across languages and geopolitical boundaries


I am participating in Reflective Writing Club facilitated by Michelle Pacansky-Brock.  In this post, I am sharing my reflection on the impact of digital technology.  

How has Digital Technology Impacted me – Professionally and Personally?

To answer that, we need to look at my use of technology as a student and as an educator.

Long Long time ago, as students, we were happy to have an alternative to type writers.  While using 5 1/2 inch floppy drives on apple computers we needed to make sure to save the project on a correct drive or retype the whole 35 pages.  By the time I got my second degree, we had progressed to 3.5 inch discs and were talking about world wide web.  In  computer lab, one of my co-worker was excited about a new program, word, that will make writing easy.  I learned about Lotus in required Computer Application class.  Does anyone remember Lotus?? Or Dos or Dot printing?  Talking about this make me feel like a fossil.  

Chalk boards and projectors were the norm of the day.  We flocked to the reference library for research.  Making copies of reading material was not fun, especially there were 5 people ahead of you and the copy machine broke down.   We actually talked to a human when we needed the information.  During final exam week, the my college libraries stayed open till 11 PM; the larger university had 24 hour services available.  Guest speakers travel to campus and in-person meeting was the way to go.

Fast forward couple years when I started teaching. I used smart board in my class. We still used notebooks.  Textbooks and journals were still hard copy and printers still broke down.  Use of  books on CD allowed my differently able students to view and listen to the material.  We were able to share material with parents via email attachments.  Digital learning has started giving  teachers and students opportunities to explore.  Bringing Discovery Education in classroom anyone?  We connected via in-person conferences within the building or traveled to learn from experts.   Having 3 computers in classroom was considered connected classroom.  


Lets look at expansion of digital technology available to an educator by looking at this Symbaloo I have created for Web Walk about.  Click on a tile which will bring you to its website & explore further.

Now, my kids use personal learning devices and textbooks are being replaced with online resources.  hybrid classrooms, Blended learning and flipped classroom is the norm of the day.  We neither required to physically go to the libraries for research /study groups.nor we are bound by synchronicity or physical location.  Like my 50 colleagues for Reflective Writing Club, a learner can connect with anyone on the world to share ideas and learn from one another.  Digital technology has allowed me to become a global citizen in online communities.  e.g., I can

  • Stay connected to my family and friends. Use Skype, Whatapsp or Face-time video so grandparents can be a continue present in my kids’ life.
  • Add on to my Georgia teaching licence via taking an GA Online Virtual Professional course and completing the requirements.
  • In my role as volunteer Crisis Textline Counselor, help a texter who reaches out to the platform by texting 741741 on their phone and bring them from hot moment to cool calm one via text conversation with them
  • Mentor the participating students across the globe in online challenges.  Mentor participating students from around the world from comfort of my home. 
  • Connect with peers and expand my personal learning network by taking parts in Connected Learning MOOCs, Webinars, online conferences, blog challenges and collaborating with peers online.  Hashtag #CLMOOC, #CCCwrite and #SOL18 to see these connections in action.
  • Avoid reinventing the wheel and learn from other professionals by participating in Twitter chats, connecting on social media platforms and visiting other professional blogs 
  • Use of Learning Management System and resources such as Google classroom for better management of the classroom.  Go ahead and click on tiles of this Symbaloo to see how I use Digital Technology in my personal and professional life.  


Yes, these can not replace in person connection.  Just like anything else, healthy balance of unplugging and use of technology is necessary. We can take care of it by picking up a phone and talking to people, meeting them and attending in-person events.  Some people argue that digital technology hampers personal relationship and easy access to Googling has dulled the need to look deeper when looking for answers. I will say to them that we, the user, decides how much entrenchment of our life we will allow to technology. At the end of the we are the master of our choices. We can still allocate time for reading, hands-on projects and encourage students to write in their hard cover journals.  Yes, the digital technology has opened more doors for me but at the end of the day, I am still same person.


Let me know what do you think of the digital technology?     


The prompt asks:

  • Compare your current professional experiences with your professional experiences at the beginning of your career.
  • Discuss how digital technologies have impacted what you do professionally and how you do it.
  • Has your professional identity shifted at all as a result of the emergence of digital technologies? What about who you interact with and how you interact with them?





Love, kindness, family



Kind, Joyful, Hopeful

Beating heart, bringing luck

Blessing to Family, friends, community, 

Sharing, caring, daring to be different.

Respect, Grace, Courage to live with freedom

Take charge, forge ahead, Honor thy parents

My beating heart, Listen.

The heartbeat of your child, your love.

Do you hear, the song of solitude?

Are you playing a catchy tune?

Be still, race ahead, stay rooted while soaring to sky

Be yourself. 

Before you can be anything else.



I am writing this post for March Slice of Life Challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  You are invited to join the reflective writing community too.




My 5 Things for 2018

When I quoted my dad yesterday, it started a healthy dialogue and reflection. 

To reflect on my aim in life, Here is Top 5 from my journal, verbatim.

I want to spend quality time with my family 

Listen to my kids and make sure they feel validated. Many days, my kids are  rushed from the moment they wake up to the time they hit the bed.  I want to talk, really talk to them about things they are interested in – not just their grades & why they should be on top of their game. 

I also want to spend time with superman – besides when we are eating, sleeping and driving the kids around.  We need to sit and read next to eachother, go for longer strolls and don’t forget to gaze in each other’s eyes.  Raising good kids, providing for them and taking care of retirement is good.  But it should not be the only conversations we have.

Be a friend to family

I want be a good daughter to my parents, nice sister & wonderful,no make it supportive aunt.  I want to be peace among the storm.

Be Nonjudgemental

Practice nonjudgement.  Baby steps. One conversation at a time.  I want to practice nonjudgement in my interactions with family, friends and strangers alike.

Get my Teaching Licence 

Do I really want to teach?  Or is it just a thought?  Time is awasting.  This year, I want to get my GA Online Teaching Certificate as well as WI licence.

I want to learn to swim.

On December 31, 2018 (OK Y is close then, lets make it Dec. 26, ’18) I want to be able to swim 25 laps unassisted.


What are top 5 items on your list for this year?  Long term?

Life without an aim is like a ship without sails. Both will be pushed around whicheve way the wind blows; neither will reach their destination in time. -Kishorbhai Trivedi


I am writing this post for March Slice of Life Challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  Come and join us.  #SOL18




Life without an aim is like a ship without sails. Both will be pushed around whicheve way the wind blows; neither will reach their destination in time. -Kishorbhai Trivedi


My father is a wise man.  Long time ago, as we were walking around the market, he asked me,

“Beta, what is your goal?  What would you like to do with your life?”

A teenager me had no clue what I wanted to do besides be happy, have fun and read books.  My dad, the wise & kind man continue the conversation.  With a smile on his face and love in his heart he said:

Life without an aim is like a ship without sails. Both will be pushed around whicheve way the wind blows; neither will reach their destination in time. -Kishorbhai Trivedi


It is my turn to ask my teenagers,

“What is your aim in life? How are you achieving it?”


Peace (in living and sharing)


Beta = my child, my daughter, my son.  Beta is a term of endearment used by elders to younger person in


I am writing this post as as  a part of writing community hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  Come and join us in sharing a Slice of Your life each Tuesday and whole month of March.



Slice of Life

Dr. Who

From the beginning of the dawn there is a conflict among good and bad.  How do we reconcile that often  good and bad resides side by side.     Let us hear from ZZZ man, the Dr. Who himself.

— The Doctor, Season 2, Epis


How will we fight the war between good and bad?  I am glad you asked.  How else but with the books. my fellow bibliophile, the bearer of the torch :) By sharing the knowledge, by learning about both sides of the issue, by open dialogue, reflection on our behavior as well as others and by being kind yet firm.

Books are the Best Weapons “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” — The Doctor, Season 2, Episode 2




A huge thank you to Two Writing Teachers for all that they do to create an amazing community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write, learn, share and grow. Come and join us at


Slice of Life

Reflection on #CCCWRITE

@One LogoJust yesterday, I had started on a 6 week journey of Reflective Writing Club.   The final prompt is reflection on our passage.

My goal for participating in the reflective writing club were: 

  1. To grow as a person and an educator
  2.  Connect with colleagues and learn from them
  3. Challenge myself and share my ideas with peers

What have I learned from it? Have I achieved my goals?

Six week may seem like a long time, but for me it passed before I can blink.  Yes, I did achieve each of this goals a little.  I visited many of my colleagues blogs and gain insights from their knowledge and am learning to integrate technology with sound education.  I am able to connect with wonderful Sheri Edwards and always graceful Laura Gibbs to name a few.  I realized that I have a lot of ideas and yet struggle with deadlines.  

Over the six weeks, I found out that I am spending way too long time forming and publishing my posts.  At times, I looked at the prompt and over thought my responses.  to meet the deadlines, I need to have better plan and time management.  I am a new blogger. Experience, being comfortable in my skin, learning about new techniques  and applying them to my posts will help me.  Baby Steps is the name of the game here.  I also need to know when to tweak the plan and get similar reason.  e.g., while writing Does My Mother Knows My Despair? I was trying to add a picture with text. I spend almost  two hours on learning about it.  I have still not got hold of it.  Rather than spending any more time on it, I decided to modify my plan and added the poem as document in the post.  In nutshell, I need to 

Allocate time to write a post, stop overthinking, stick to the plan, write the post, publish the  post before the deadline

Sometimes, reading the post from my peers was like looking in the mirror of my thoughts; they had written exactly what I was writing.  Then I wrassle with Do I scrap my post?  Do I continue?  At other times, my colleagues had a different way to look at the same prompt.  Who knew a prompt for unplugging can be responded to as un-driving but Laura Gibbs did just that and in the process taught us a thing or two.  I learned that

There are multiple ways to answer a prompt. Be bold. Be reflective. Be free to look at new angles. Share with abundance

Overall, I enjoyed the experience.  I am looking forward to other professional development from @One. 

Are you participating in Reflective Writing Club?  Another challenge?  What are your thoughts on it? 



Spreading Wings

It is almost 9PM on Saturday.   The day passed in a blur.  The scholars had too much homework, the laundry & house cleaning were beckoning and we needed to visit the library. Long story short, I still need to write and post my Slice for today.  What can I share?  I am scratching my head and a light bulb came up.

How about if I share three blogging challenges that gives the students global audience, connects the educators and their teachers support for classroom blogs?

Student Blogging Challenge 2018

Student Blogging Challenge 2018

The Student Blogging Challenge runs for in each March and October for 10 weeks.  Participating student bloggers complete each weekes activities and connect with peers & mentors from around the world.  They get guidance, learn about blogging and commenting while their teachers get support for classroom blogging.  


The 100 Word Challenge: 

100 Word ChallengeKathleen Morris talks with Julia skinner, the founder and organizer of both 100WC and 5 sentence challenge here.  100 WC is an ongoing free weekly creative writing challenge where students 16 years and younger write a 100 words (more or less) blog post in response to a prompt.  The prompt may be a picture or a series of words. Again, they are connected globally with mentor commenters as well as other participating bloggers.  


5 sentence Challenge: 

5 sentence challenge logoThis free writing challenge is aimed at younger students though it is open to Students upto 16 years.  Similar to 100 word challenge, the students respond to thematic prompts that may be a picture.  On the other hand, students have 2 weeks to respond to the prompt.   If you are a teacher of English language Learners or emerging writers, this is a challenge for your students.


Give it a try.  would you choose to be a mentor commenter or challenge your students by creating a classroom blog? 

Are you participating in a challenge as well?  Which one?  Feel free to include your blog url in comment so we can continue the dialogue.  



Join me and other reflective bloggers.  We write and share a slice of our life each Tuesday and each day during whole month of March.   We share our posts at Two Writing Teachers.  You may also find more posts like this by typing the hashtag #SOL18

Slice of Life



Empty Bowls

We attended local Empty Bowl event today. 


December 2017- The most helped in one month at 278   Cost estimate $23,201
Impact of Soup and Socks on the community


Our local Empty Bowls event is a fundraiser for Soup or Socks, a food pantry and clothes closet for area residents.  It is a win-win-win situation for our community-at-large.


Green Empty Bowl
Handmade Bowl from Local Empty Bowl 2018 Event


Win for community: Especially kids & parents who volunteered together to make the event success.   Being a small and good-natured community, some of the bowls for the event are made by community members at Mother’s day Fair each year.  We also have community days at an art center where for a nominal fee, we can make the bowls.  Our local artists and art teachers team up; students get to design and paint the bowls while learning about civic duties. what a wonderful way to teach “looking after your brother in need”.

May I share a conversation I overheard while choosing a homemade bowl to take home?


Win for the patrons:  The annual local Empty Bowls event raises much needed $$ for a local food pantry and clothes closet.  Along with helping the neighbors in need, the patrons enjoy a hearty bowl of soup with a cookie and milk donated by area restaurants AND take home a handmade ceramic bowl.  We shared a table with a young family and enjoyed listening to  kids who proudly shared the bowls they had chosen as well as how they will use it.  


Handmade Bowl has a multiple eyes and sharp teeth on rim, a "tongue" inside making look the bowl like a "Monster's" mouth
Handmade Bowl from Local Empty Bowl 2018 Event


Win for the neighbor’s in need: Today, working hard does not guarantee that one will have will a secure future, all their bills paid or even enough to feed the family .  When more and more people are experiencing food deficit, the food pantries and community looking after themselves is essential.  Empty Bowl event not only helps associated food pantries but also the patrons. Every time when we will use these bowls, we will remember, there is someone with an empty bowl somewhere.  It will make us look inward and ask “what are we doing to solve the hunger issue across the nation?”

May the bowl you take home today, help you remember that there is always someone with an EMPTY BOWL.


Thank you for visiting and letting me share a story from our community.  I am also looking forward to listening to your story.  Would you prefer to leave your blog url in the comments so we can visit one another? 


Thank you Two Writing Teachers for providing a place to meet & share reflective writing each Tuesday and the each day during whole month of March.   You are invited to visit Slice of Life Challenge or hashtag #SOL18 to explore as well as to join the challenge.

Slice of Life